BLDC Brushless DC Motor and Slipring

Code for driving a BLDC motor and adjusting its speed using a pot. This photo shows wires to a slipring in the hollow shaft of a BLDC motor.

Dec 22, 2018


8 respects

Components and supplies


Rotary potentiometer (generic)


L298N Stepper Motor Controller Module


LiPO or NiMH battery, 2 cell (7.2V) or 3 cell (11.1V) tested


Arduino UNO


BLDC Brushless DC motor


Switch DPDT

Project description


BLDC Brushless DC motor code V2 + stepper motor code


This code drives both a BLDC and a stepper motor at the same time. Three potentiometers are used to control the speed of both motors and the position of the stepper. A Protoneer Arduino CNC Shield V3 with Pololu A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier fitted, to drive the stepper motor. An L298N Stepper Motor Controller Module is used to drive BLDC.

BLDC Brushless DC motor code V2 + stepper motor code


This code drives both a BLDC and a stepper motor at the same time. Three potentiometers are used to control the speed of both motors and the position of the stepper. A Protoneer Arduino CNC Shield V3 with Pololu A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier fitted, to drive the stepper motor. An L298N Stepper Motor Controller Module is used to drive BLDC.

BLDC Brushless DC motor code V2


This code is simply to drive a BLDC using an L298 driver board and an Arduino. The sketch after this sketch is for driving a stepper motor at the same time as the BLDC. V1 code pulsed once and then waited for interval before sending next pulse, whereas this improved code keeps pulsing the same phase until the interval is past. Also, input from pot connected to A5, now varies BLDC motor speed. Removed 'step' variable by reversing order in which time interval is tested. Serial.print is commented out to improve smoothness of motion.

Downloadable files

BLDC and L293

This layout is approximately right. I used a L298N Stepper Motor Controller Module (Jaycar XC-4492) instead of the genuine Arduino shield (which would have been easier, as it mounts directly on the Uno).

BLDC and L293

BLDC and L293

This layout is approximately right. I used a L298N Stepper Motor Controller Module (Jaycar XC-4492) instead of the genuine Arduino shield (which would have been easier, as it mounts directly on the Uno).

BLDC and L293


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