Near-Perfect Gyroscope

This code enables you to make an accelerometer and gyroscope give the best results.

Mar 23, 2017


16 respects

Components and supplies


Breadboard (generic)


Arduino UNO


SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer and Gyro Breakout - MPU-6050


Jumper wires (generic)

Tools and machines


Soldering iron (generic)

Project description


Code version 1.2.1


The code now adds data to the gyroscope and accelerometer saved data arrays. This will allow the Kalman filter to make its predictions based on past data. very important! There are also some other small fixes. the filter will probably be added soon, but when is unknown. We're doing our best to implement the math.

code version 1.3.2


hurrah! the math for the complimentary filter is done, meaning that there is one filter left, the kalman filter, and then the final conversion math can be completed.

Code version 1.1.0


This is an updated version of the code, with a few improvements but no filter or math yet..

adaptive filter apha


here's a more active version of the complementary filter, making sure that the

adaptive filter version 0.8.2


the adaptive filter works! yay! it's not fluid, but values are set out. yay!

Adaptive filter version 1.1.2


Yay! its awful. --changelog-- -NEW! lots of random data to sort through! -FIXED! the data is relatively smooth -that's all

code version 1.4.2


complete revamp of the whole system. its now running an optimized version of the original code with an awesome complimentary filter! the data is still jumpy, however, and updates are sure to come soon. sorry it's been so long!

Code version 1.3.1


Basically version 1.3.0, but we did some cleaning up, making this thing easier to follow. once the code is done, we can post a version that has no comments, for those of you who understand the code, and only want the program to copy. also, as a note: the program uses 22,940 bytes, which is close to the old uno's limit. a stripped-down version can be added later for those with this chip. NOTE: we've found out that the code is missing one piece, the atan2 conversion for the accelerometer data. do not use this code yet!

WIP stablized gyroscope


Simply set up your gyroscope, plug the code in, and watch the fun on the serial monitor or serial plotter. Your numbers will be in degrees, but this is still WIP and may not work completely or at all.

code version 1.3.2


hurrah! the math for the complimentary filter is done, meaning that there is one filter left, the kalman filter, and then the final conversion math can be completed.

Adaptive filter version 1.1.2


Yay! its awful. --changelog-- -NEW! lots of random data to sort through! -FIXED! the data is relatively smooth -that's all

Code version 1.2.1


The code now adds data to the gyroscope and accelerometer saved data arrays. This will allow the Kalman filter to make its predictions based on past data. very important! There are also some other small fixes. the filter will probably be added soon, but when is unknown. We're doing our best to implement the math.

code version 1.4.2


complete revamp of the whole system. its now running an optimized version of the original code with an awesome complimentary filter! the data is still jumpy, however, and updates are sure to come soon. sorry it's been so long!

Code version 1.1.0


This is an updated version of the code, with a few improvements but no filter or math yet..

Code version 1.3.1


Basically version 1.3.0, but we did some cleaning up, making this thing easier to follow. once the code is done, we can post a version that has no comments, for those of you who understand the code, and only want the program to copy. also, as a note: the program uses 22,940 bytes, which is close to the old uno's limit. a stripped-down version can be added later for those with this chip. NOTE: we've found out that the code is missing one piece, the atan2 conversion for the accelerometer data. do not use this code yet!

Code version 1.3.0


Hurrah! now that we've found time, we've got a major update for you! the arrays didn't work, so they're gone, but now there is a complimentary filter, lots of thanks to Pieter-Jan of for this math! next update should clean it up a little, it's getting long! NOTE: we've found out that the code is missing one piece, the atan2 conversion for the accelerometer data. do not use this code yet!

adaptive filter version 0.8.2


the adaptive filter works! yay! it's not fluid, but values are set out. yay!

adaptive filter apha


here's a more active version of the complementary filter, making sure that the

WIP stablized gyroscope


Simply set up your gyroscope, plug the code in, and watch the fun on the serial monitor or serial plotter. Your numbers will be in degrees, but this is still WIP and may not work completely or at all.

Downloadable files

Gyroscope wiring

This is a diagram of the wiring for this project. all 3 modes are filled in, so if you want you can use the breadboard, circuit or schematic view to wire your version!

Gyroscope wiring

Gyroscope wiring

This is a diagram of the wiring for this project. all 3 modes are filled in, so if you want you can use the breadboard, circuit or schematic view to wire your version!

Gyroscope wiring


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